Friday 6 May 2011

New Clothes

Today, I found myself in a lovely new suit.  I couldn't have felt better about how I looked as I moved through my day.  This suit was solid grey and when I brought it home about a month ago, I waited patiently for the day I would put it on my back for the first time.  That time was today.  Amidst a very full workday, there was lunch with a friend at India Gate for their lunch buffet.  You can imagine my surprise (and maybe delight) when I put on that suit this morning only to discover that the pants were now too big.  The jacket was still fine but the pants really surprised me.  I wanted to wear that suit, so there was only one thing to do.  I popped in a movie in my craft room and set up the sewing machine.  I carefully took in the waist and then I realized I had to do the same with the legs.  It took only about twenty minutes and then I steamed those pants until they were unrecognizable as having been altered.  You can imagine my delight in my brand new suit.  It seems my waist size is still going down though my chest measurement remains the same.  You won't hear any complaints from me on that one.  I'm not even complaining about the wicked weather.  This evening, along with this morning, it was freezing cold as I walked.  I think I had a smile on my face the entire time.  I think I was alone this evening as I walked.  The rain beat down on me but I proudly kept one foot in front of the other.  It's because of all that effort that my suit was just a little too big for me today.  I think I'll keep my sewing machine permanently set up in that room.  I've got another new suit waiting for me in my favorite color of brown.  I suspect when I got to put that on, it will need a little gentle altering.  Luckily, I know how to take things apart and how to put them back together perfectly.  Gee, I guess I could say the same for my life.  Lucky me!

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