Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Women Food and God

Last night, I wrote about the new book that I was absorbed in, "You on a Diet", by Dr. Oz.  It's lining up to be a fabulous resource for all things related to the body and how it processes food and all kinds of other good stuff.  Admittedly, I'm not much of a reader.  I tend to go for books that are visually interesting, but outside of a good Agatha Christie mystery, there are few authors who can hold my attention.  Since I started my journey to wellness, I found one other book that held me from cover to cover.  Last summer, while watching an episode of Oprah, I listened to an author named Geneen Roth as she talked about her new book, "Women Food and God".  It was captivating.  It made the emotional connection to food in a way that was immediately understandable.  I knew this book was for me.  Off to Costco I went and there it was in stacks and stacks.  This book went to bed with me every night until it slid to the floor as I turned out the light.  It seemed as though I could relate to everything she had to say.  The more she wrote, the more I understood.  As a matter of fact, I was so impressed with her ideology that I considered contacting her and suggesting that I could teach her book as a course on healthy living, focusing on the role that food played in our lives.  She's done an amazing job of putting into words so many of our behaviours that are simply misunderstood.  I think I bought another ten of those books and I handed them out to anyone that I believed could benefit from her writing.  That might have been a little ambitious at the time, but I was so moved by her writing that I wanted everyone to benefit from it.  Since that time last summer, I have lost most of the weight that was unnecessary on my body.  I just came from a family function and as always, my mother commented on the difference she can see in me this time around.  There's still a little bit of belly left over so I want even that to go.  Despite the fact that everyone I see says I look perfect, I know what's still left to go.  I will use both these books to help me on that continued journey and I look foward to the lasting results of this knowledge.  For now, these are the two books that I will cluth close to my confidence and I will proudly proclaim their truth to anyone who's listening right now. 


  1. Eric, I just chatted with you briefly at the Lunch & Learn (I'm the one who had lap-band surgery tyring to conquer this weight issue). I'm going to buy the book you referenced, Women Food & God! I'll be in touch soon for a chat!
    Thanks, Karen

  2. Dear (almost) anonymous,

    That book is wonderful. I learned so much from it. I'm always learning and you will too. We can chat anytime. While I'm thinking you didn't mean for your comments to be shared with all, the system is set up for those comments to go forward, but your identity is still protected. Only I know who you really are. It was wonderful meeting you today. I have my own thougts on such surgery and I'll be happy to share them with you. We can chat about anything. I think we might just be able to get to that source of your overeating. I'm standing for that...all the best...

  3. Hi Eric,
    This book has been sitting on my nightstand. I've been putting off reading it until now... :-)

  4. Linda, that book is incredible. It seems that with every page I turned, there was a nugget of wisdom waiting for me. That still happens even when I read it a second time. Good luck with that.
