Wednesday, 9 March 2011

A Walk to Remember

Tonight, I walked in the freezing cold.  At one point, I stopped and had to wrap my scarf around my forehead to protect from that cold.  My hands were safely warmed by my fur-lined mittens and Stevie Nicks kept me company as I walked to the beat of Gypsy.  It was easy to tell myself that it's time to head home, even long before the hour was up, but I kept on moving.  All I had to do was remind myself of another time I walked in the freezing cold, in fact, I walked in a blizzard.  I remember that day so well even though it was three years ago.  The storm that was predicted that day was well upon us and getting my car back home into the driveway seemed like a miraculous accomplishment.  The relief I felt at making it home was met with the shocking realization that I had no diet soft drink in the house.  Back then, I was firmly addicted to the stuff.  I almost panicked.  The only thing I was able to do at that point was walk to the nearest convenience store to stock up.  I was still in my best dress shoes but that didn't matter.  I needed that soda so off I went.  The round trip took quite a while.  I never considered that diet soda was my addiction but looking back on the experience, it was easy to see the truth that I had denied for so long.  Two and a half years ago, I decided to rid my body of this substance.  My addiction to diet soft drink would be overcome so easily I believed.  After all, it wasn't a cigarette that I needed to give up or even a bottle of beer.  It was diet soda.  Boy, was I in for a shock.  Coming off diet soft drink was horiffic.  I could write for pages and pages about the experience, but enough to say I went through some deep withdrawls.  I managed to overcome that addiction and I've never looked back.  When I think of what I would endure to get that beverage and how I walked in a blizzard one day to stock my fridge, well, walking tonight in the cold and in the snow was a much easier chore.  Tonight, I walked for something with true life.  My body is still a little cold from the experience and my feet hurt tonight.  There's one more thing I'd like to add and that is, there's a big smile on my face despite it all.  I know I'll make it.  I like to think I already have.


  1. Hi Eric!

    I am loving your blog. Thanks for telling me about it. I am going for a walk - this very moment.... :-)


  2. Linda, the absolute best thing I am doing for myself now is walking. There's simply nothing like it, even when it's freezing cold outside, it never seems to bother me. Have fun!
