Friday, 25 March 2011

All Wrapped Up

Undoubtedly, the most rewarding things I have ever done for myself is take care of my health.  As a result of that, the weight has fallen off and I enjoy all the rewards that come from that.  It was a long road, but I'm careful not to say it was a hard road, because really, it wasn't.  When you're committed to something, you're willing to pour yourself into it.  I'm reminded of something else I pour myself into and it showed up today in the backdrop of a snow day that kept pretty much everyone home on a Friday.  As I'm not one to sit in front of the television, I like to keep busy, so with all appointments cancelled for the day, I decided to put my commitment to action--that is, my commitment to my home.  I believe I can state that I am one of the most organized people I know, if not the most organized, and when you've got the stuff that I've collected over the years, you really need to be.  Everything that comes in over the door is carefully chosen and then I carefully find a home for it.  Sure, there's plenty of everything, but there's a calm about it all.  I never quite understood someone who pays good money for something and then that same something finds its way to the top of a huge pile of many other things in their home.  I see this so often.  I then look in horror whenever I do catch that show, "Hoarders".  Wouldn't I ever like to work with some of those people.  I'm of the belief that what's going on around you is reflective of what's going on inside of you.  This evening, as I'm preparing my chicken breast for dinner, I'm thinking, gee, there really is a connection between what I bring into my home and what I'm now bringing into my body.  As I make my purchases carefully for my home (including the newest teaset that I couldn't resist the other day), I have realized that I can make the same carefully purchases for my body.  In the end I have the same result.  I have a house that's pretty much in order and I have a body that reflects that comment as well.  Who knew?  For so long, I never considered that the money I was spending on all the junk I put into my body was money that was wasted in so many ways.  Now, I clearly see the difference.  Just as I want to have a tidy, organized home for myself to live in, I want to have a tidy, organized body for my life to live in.  I'm the one in control here.  Well, my chicken seems to be ready.  After I enjoy that, there's a gift-wrapping room waiting for the final touches of a thorough overall today.  I could so easily make one of those scrumptious bows and wrap it around myself as a reminder of the gift I have given myself and one that I can now share with others. 

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