Saturday, 12 March 2011


Whenever I walk, I use the time to allow thoughts and ideas to flow through my mind.  This morning, I thought about what my day would hold.  There's a little something to do from a work perspective, but for the most part, my day can be created however I want.  I asked myself the simple question, what do I want for my day?  The answer to that is endless.  I can create my day however I want.  That's the way in which I live my life--from possibility.  Much like an artist who begins with a blank canvas and can create any image they want on that canvas, my day, our day, can be created the same way.  This morning, I've made a declaration.  There will be someone whom I will share my time with to talk to them about their own journey to wellness.  With that declaration, my day becomes a clearing for that to show up and I believe it will, especially with that email having gone out last night.  So, just as I can create my day from possibility, I can do the same with my life.  That's available to anyone.  I made a declaration on May 24, 2010 that my life would look different with health and wellness coming to me.  I enjoy that now.  I was a clearing for the possibility of that coming into my life.  I will now be a clearing for the possibility of that coming into someone else's life.  I can't wait to see who shows up.


  1. I don't really want to sign up for the whole Google friend connect thing - but an rss feed so I can get feeds with the other blogs I follow would be great!

    I really appreciate what you have to say here. This was a path I myself was on for quite some time then life interrupted the ritual, my arthritis began to limit my walks, the lack of walking and the weight began to return - I'm working hard at finding my way back to the place where I was.

    This year is already promising many changes - ones that were hard coming and painfully earned but much needed I think. This will be a part of it


  2. Vicky,

    Life can sometimes hand us things that interrupt the flow, however, I believe even those circumstances can be overcome. In my lifetime, I can honestly say I never gave up, no matter what came my way. Sure, the circumstances of my life were unlike yours, but they were challenging and difficult just the same. As a creative person, I looked for ways to move through all of that. I often emerged. Good luck on your journey.

  3. Indeed, as a very good friend of mine once reminded me, "the best things in my life, have also been the hardest". And so it has often been, it is in the dark and difficult times that we need to reach into ourselves and we find out what we're made of.

    Or as I've often said, "when you run out of patience, tenacity will do." We only lose when we quit trying.


  4. Vicky,

    I like the way you think. I just posted another entry that speaks to just that. This evening is a crummy one for me but I'm holding true to what I'm standing for. There's no quitting here. Thanks for taking the time to share what you're feeling. It helps me too.
