Tuesday, 10 May 2011

The Other Side

It seems for years, I have heard the expression, the grass is always greener on the other side.  It made me wonder what kind of grass already exists on the current side and why there would be some better grass somewhere else.  For me, it's really about the contrast.  It's not that one side is less better than another.  I was just curious to see what was out there.  It's much like a feeling that came over me around 5:00.  For a reason that I could loosely understand, the feeling of wanting Chinese food came over me.  I even called a friend to see if I could invite her along.  The thoughts of that food weren't completely thrilling, but it did cross my mind.  As I thought about that, I knew what was waiting on the other side of that.  Those egg rolls would go down great, but the suffering would soon set in.  I'd feel all bloated and just yukky afterwards.  A friend described that feeling perfectly when she said, it's like pooping in your pants--it's only good while you're doing it!  So, tonight, I decided that I didn't want that feeling.  I wanted another one.  I wanted to know what was on the other side of resisting that call to egg rolls, so I decided to walk instead.  I punched in a full hour and a half and that feeling of sweet and sourness soon left me.  So, what was on the other side of doing something positive for myself?  The first thing is I don't have to live with the guilt of turning to the wrong food.  I also get the satisfaction of knowing I actually did something really good for myself.  Sure, my feet are killing me right now, but that will pass by morning.  I'm soon heading to bed, so I'll get to do this all over again the minute I wake.  Perhaps the best thing is I get to share this feeling with anyone who happens to be reading this letter of accomplishment.  I eventually settled for a six-inch sub, and while it wasn't the best choice, it was quasi healthy.  I just finished two oranges that made the experience complete.  Now, it's time for bed.

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