Saturday, 14 May 2011

Dirty Dishes

When I was younger and living home, there were always plenty of dishes to wash.  I was always the type to clean off the table first, rinse and stack all the dishes first, clean off the counters, then I could start washing.  It was something that I always took my time doing.  Now that I have my own place and my own dishwasher, I still look after all the delicates by my own hands.  I wouldn't dream of putting a china cup in the dishwasher, let alone an entire place setting.  Those are the things I still take care of gently.  Sure, it takes a lot of time, but I just think about how fortunate I am to have such lovely things and I take great pride in looking after my stuff.  Essentially, it goes back to something I believe in and that is, you have to appreciate and nurture every step along the way.  Whenever I have a tea party at my home or a special dinner, it takes hours to clean up but I take my time, giving thanks for every cup and everyone who was here to enjoy it and I eventually find my way back to the place where everything is washed and put back to where it came from.  I use the same mindset for other things in my life.  When I start walking at 6:00 in the morning, I don't wish my time away until it hits 7:30 and I stop for tea.  I embrace every minute of that hour and a half.  I give thanks for every step.  I enjoy each moment thoroughly.  I can say the same for the housework.  I've learned to enjoy and give thanks for every step in the process and not just hold my breath until the end.  Even in this cold, I'm still walking, still giving thanks, and still smiling. 

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