Friday, 20 May 2011

One Year Ago

When I started this journey May 24th last year, I could hardly imagine how my life would look today.  What I knew for sure is that I was determined to make a difference in my life.  Whereas I had put others first and had demonstrated an ability to see all of that through, I really wanted to see what my own life would look like if I concentrated on myself.  My friend gets in this evening and one of the things she really wants to do is go dancing downtown and, of course, she wants me to go with her.  I've already chosen what I'm going to wear and I can hardly wait.  I was never really one for downtown but tonight will be different.  Everything is different, in fact.  When I hit one year on Tuesday, things will change again.  I'm also considering that I might close the chapter on one part of my life, and that is, my daily ritual of writing my thoughts on this page.  It's not that I've grown tired of it because I rather enjoy coming to my computer each day.  There's something else I've got to figure out.  There's still one thing nagging at me and that will take a lot of quiet reflection, I believe.  Just as I conquered all the Chinese food, the dreaded soft drinks, and all that late-night eating, there's one more hurdle to overcome.  It's been at the top of my conversations lately and it's the most significant thing I have had to consider as of late.  I'm going to take the time to explore this, to understand it, and to ask the important questions that might just take a while to answer.  I'm going to think about all of this over the next few days.  Let's see what that time holds.  Until then, tonight will be our night to shine!

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