Wednesday, 13 April 2011


It seems to me there is more hatred in this election than in any other I can remember.  It's to the point where I can hardly listen to someone stating their case when all that's involved is slamming the other person.  What ever happened to standing for something you believe in and just going with that?  It reminds me of when I started my own path to enlightenment almost a year ago.  I decided I wasn't going into this with any hatred.  I wasn't going to hate my reflection, or my suit that was too tight, or that fast-food restaurant and just pumpted out one fried offering after another.  I knew that kind of thinking would get me nowhere.  I first had to embrace every last pound that I had and every last inch that was on my body.  Sure, it might have been difficult to stand in front of a mirror, but I at least made up my mind that I wouldn't hate what was staring back.  I didn't want that kind of energy in my life.  Sure, I wanted to change, but I didn't want to only believe in what I could become.  I had to embrace where I was and to be thankful for that.  I needed to love all that I was and from the place where I had come.  I knew there would only be joy in my life.  As I walked and I watched my body change, more joy found its way to me.  I stood for who I was and I didn't want my conversation to offer anything other than pure joy and pure love.  That seems to be missing in so much that's around me.  Rather than stating what they are actually standing for, one political leader is taking a shot at another.  I don't know what there is to gain from that.  If I was running for political office, I would embrace my opponent rather than try and knock him down and I would stand proud in who I was and what I was standing for.  It's worked for me with my life, I bet it would work for them too.  Let's see what's to come of all of this.

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