Saturday, 30 April 2011

A Few Rules

This morning, we had a slight burst of spring.  I hesitate to call it summer since we haven't quite caught up the last season, so a slight burst of spring it is.  As I was getting ready for work today, I decided to forego a coat in favor of a very nice black-and-white outfit.  It seems a new pair of black dress pants were in order so there was something about new clothes that brought back good memories.  In my black-and-white outfit, I couldn't help but think back to my university days in which anything in that color combination instantly found its way to my closet.  That was twenty years ago and it was a time when I didn't think of my weight.  It got me thinking about the joy of losing weight to fit into something new.  Of course, that's hardly the way I would want to recommend losing weight, but if it provides an incentive, why not?  It reminded me of when I hear people say that you shouldn't match your artwork in your home with your decor.  Where did that rule come from I wonder?  If it works, then, again, why not?  I can liken that to another rule I've heard for the past few years in which they say women shouldn't match their shoes with their handbag?  Who is that "they", I wonder.  I rather like seeing my mother all dressed up in a very lovely dress with her shoes being a perfect compliment to her purse, and I like to say that because I'm usually the one who has given both to her.  So, enough of those rules, I say.  I'm doing a client's house next week and as a matter of fact, the artwork in the guest room is a perfect match to everything else.  I will continue to applaud my mother's choice to match her black patent leather shoes with its matching bag and as I walk in the morning, I might just think of a very lovely blue suit that I deliberately bought too small for me several months ago.  When that finds its way to my back, you'll be sure to hear about it.  As I head back to work this evening, I'm putting on another wonderful suit that finally fits.  Oh, time to run, I must get ready as I have to be there in an hour.

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